[Evolution] Kmailcvt - Exchange email format converter

Has anyone had a look at Kmailcvt?  It is a mail converter for Kmail here is
the announcement...

"After a lot of hours re-engineering of the file formats, notably for the
.PAB Personal Addressbook format (which turns out to be proprietary and very
difficult to understand MAPI format with no documentation at all) I've
developed two working import filters which work with KMail 1.0.29 and Kab
for kde 1.1.2!
This means that you can finally exchange your mail folders and address books
with the ones you are currently using at work. And as a plus it will
facilitate upgrading from Windows to Linux+KDE!

Currently supported imports:

Outlook Express 5.0 folders --> to KMail folders
MS Exchange .PAB format --> to Kab (KDE AddressBook)
I'm inviting developers to contribute formats. Good formats would be .WAB
(Windows AddressBook format) from OE5 and the .MBX folders from OE4. There
is a simple C++ interface that allows one to write new import filters
without the need to alter the kmailcvt framework.
Support for KDE 2.0 will be made available later in autumn 2000.

Contact: Hans Dijkema <hdijkema be-value nl>

Home Page: www.hum.org


Perhaps those wishing to work on reverse engineering the Exchange stuff
should contact Hans, and get some cooperation going on.  (If it is not
happening already...)

Tom M.
TomM Pentstar com

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