Re: [Evolution] Address book inporting

Hi Chris,

I tried using the import utility, thanks!!  It worked pretty well however,
as far as screen output it stopped on a name with the last name C but
apparently continued on as the other addresses where transferred. But the
mailing addresses didn't get transferred only name/category/e-mail
address, etc.  Then I had to kill the job it never terminated.

But it moved in LOTS of stuff and has made my job considerable
easier.  I'm will to test it some more if you need me to.


On 2 Aug 2000, Christopher James Lahey wrote:

I dont like to re-post questions, but I can find nothing in the archive about
this, other than pilot links are being worked on, and there was no response to
previous e-mail.

I was wanting to know if there are any plans to have Evolution work with, or
import GnomeCard files and GnomeCal. Or, second best, what the status of the
Palm Pilot import tools.

For GnomeCard there is an import tool.  Unfortunately, I didn't get it
done it time for 0.3 or 0.3.1.  It's in the CVS version and will be in
the next release.

To use the import tool you have to save your gnomecard file as
gnomecard.vcf and run load-gnomecard-addressbook in the directory with
the gnomecard.vcf file.  This isn't the way it will work in evolution
1.0; eventually, there will be import functionality built into the GUI.


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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