Re: [Evolution] Bounce/remail command

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Giao Nguyen wrote:

On the contrary, I've only voiced that having not having resend won't
matter to the users. No one is going to run out to buy Evolution because
it has resend. No one will NOT buy Evolution because it doesn't have
resend either. The discussion here is mostly academic. The impact of
having resend as a feature will be epidemic.

I don't plan to buy it at all if I don't have to.  But I most likely won't
use it if it doesn't have a resend command.  It's simply a necessary
feature for me.


                 Jeffrey P. Lanza <jpl alumni unh edu>
Computer Science Department             ResNet Second-Level Support
Engineering and Physical Sciences       Computing and Information Services
University of New Hampshire             603-862-4242, questions unh edu

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