[Evolution-hackers] GSoC PKCS#11 module project


As suggested by fidencio, here follows some updates

My proposal on gsoc listed 2 ways of accomplishing the desired result, which is to enable Evolution to use certificates stored in addressbooks.
After a short discussion and a little checking things out, the second approach seems to be a bit cumbersome, so I edited the proposal to dwmw2 initial idea.

The second idea was to plug a virtual token into NSS softoken module, the token would contain the certificate needed and NSS would be able to use it. 
The way new tokens are plugged into softoken module is through SECMOD_OpenUserDB, but it expects a database in a file system. And apparently NSS does not offer a way to create a database in RAM.
And creating a file system mapped into RAM to instantiate a database is not elegant and a bit out of the scope.

Well, following the first idea, I have NSS talking to my module and asking for stuff, still couldn't list the hard coded certificate. Hopefully it will not take long.

Sorry if I was silent, I'll try to keep talking on this thread.


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