[Evolution-hackers] Subclassable and extendable IMAPX

Hi everyone!

It has been a while [0] since the idea of making IMAPX
subclassable / extendable for backends to use. Time to
bring the topic back into the public again. :-)

There is a bugzilla entry [1] now for the topic, and Chen
bravely started out with preparations to make IMAPX extendable.

We've been staring at the imapx_untagged() function in IMAPX
for a while. This is the handler function which takes care of
processing the untagged responses from the IMAP server, and it
is the point where IMAP protocol extension code will want to
start hooking into. There may be other hooks needed.

evolution-kolab uses IMAPX outside Evolution. Back in 2.30 era,
IMAPX was not extendable. We thus had the IMAPX code duped and
extended the hard way. Since I was overwhelmed by a single
function imapx_untagged(), approaching 1k LOC in length, I tore
it into pieces (one per untagged response) and added these into
a function table. This collapsed imapx_untagged() to almost nothing,
looking far more maintainable (and making the function extendable).
For those interested in the approach, see [2].

When porting evolution-kolab from 2.30 to 3.4, I decided to try
and subclass IMAPX in a clean way, since the 2.30 approach of
directly hacking my code into an IMAPX dupe would turn it into
a maintenance nightmare in the long run.

There are two kinds of extensions to IMAPX I'm doing in evolution-kolab:

* IMAP extensions (ANNOTATEMORE, METADATA (planned for),
  IMAP ACL (planned for))

* Kolab extensions

While the latter is Kolab specific, the former is not at all Kolab
specific, but holds IMAP extensions as per RFC. It therefore makes
sense to strive for integration of these extensions into upstream
IMAPX in order to have all users of IMAPX benefit from it. In the
evolution-kolab source tree, the former resides in


while the latter resides in


to make the distinction clear. There are a number of CamelIMAPXExtd*
classes I've added to src/camel/providers/imapx which hold my
extensions over the upstream IMAPX (the upstream files are duped with
just minor changes, mostly exposing internal API for me to hook into).
Please see [3] for the stretches I needed to make to subclass IMAPX.
Main problem was that imapx_untagged() was not exposed, so I had to
re-implement all code paths to that function inside my own extended
classes. To ensure I would get my extended object types in the right
places, I had to override the CamelIMAPXConnManager classes with my
own, mainly because the IMAPX internal classes were not using virtualized
functions (which made it impossible for me to just inject my types here
and there - I had to make sure the right code paths were followed).
The classes in src/camel (thr Kolab-specific ones) look somewhat alike,
for that same reason, see [4].

I've not been diving into Chen's proposals very deeply yet. Allowing
subclasses to override imapx_untagged() seems like the first step. I've
not yet grokked all of the proposals, so I have a question: Will the
current proposal (see [1]) allow for a subclassed IMAPX to be subclassed
again? Subclassing IMAPX twice is what I'm doing in evolution-kolab.
Of course, the first subclassing (for adding support for folder metadata
and ACL) can just be dropped, once these extensions make it into
upstream subclassable IMAPX.

Then, there's my table-based approach to imapx_untagged(). I've been
having a chat with Matt about that (and back in the days when I did the
implementation for 2.30, with David), which both liked the idea. Of course,
my 2.30 implementation was not done with truly subclassing IMAPX in mind,
so it would need some tweaking. I'll try to gather more thoughts as I'm 
rovelling through the code of the proposal at BZ.

What do you think?

I would invite everyone who is hacking IMAPX to participate in this

[0] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-hackers/2010-September/msg00012.html
[1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=674310
[2] http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-kolab/tree/src/camel/providers/imapx/camel-imapx-server.c?h=gnome-2-30#n1363
[3] http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-kolab/tree/src/camel/providers/imapx
[4] http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-kolab/tree/src/camel/

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