Re: [Evolution-hackers] recent change breaks filters???

On Fri, 2012-08-17 at 09:50 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
> 	Hi,
> I reverted [1] the folder hierarchy change as I promised. I found
> regressions on folder creation and deletion too, thus that's fixed as
> well, same as I added Inbox "detection" to check also on folder flags,
> rather than only on folder name.
> There is no "cleanup-the-mess-I-caused" code in the patch, thus you
> might revert your changes in folder names in filters.xml and, while
> evolution is not running, open
>    ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<ews-account-uid>/folder-tree
> file and remove from there whole section which contains
>    DisplayName=Mailbox - Reid Thompson
> It's like usual ini file, thus you drop the section (some weird ID) and
> all its subkeys. Mine looked like (IDs shortened with "..."):
>         [AAMkADdi...HW9AAA=]
>         ParentFolderId=AAMkADdi...UCTAAA=
>         ChangeKey=AQAAABYAAAAZqVFjEGG+Qo7TIVNxZT1qAfi/misV
>         DisplayName=Mailbox - Milan Crha
>         FolderType=mailbox
>         Flags=65
>         Total=0
>         UnRead=0
> As a clue, the section name is the same as ParentFolderId of the Inbox
> folder.
> I'm sorry for inconvenience I caused, and thank you for letting know
> that soon.
> 	Bye,
> 	Milan

Not a problem.  Glad I'm of some use.  Inconvenience is not a problem as
long as we can recover from it -- ala the instructions above for
'cleaning up' my system appear to have worked fine.


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