Re: [Evolution-hackers] Moving from the single mbox file format for the local folders

Reid Thompson wrote:
Patrick Ohly wrote:
On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 18:55 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
Maildir is good, none denies it. But maildir is already there, but not
sure how many use it.

I do, and I know several other people who do
The local default mbox account on my system is empty.
I filter some of the email from my Exchange OWA acct to maildir.
I process my isp and gmail mail into maildir accts(along with some other small accounts).

another reason i vote to use/'fix' maildir..
working from home this morning, rather than pipe evo over the network I usually just ssh into my desktop and fire up mutt (already configured to know where the evo local directories are, as well as imap to the exchange server). with this setup I can move emails wherever needed between local/server accounts fairly easily. I also tend to use this method if I have to login while on vacation or traveling.

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