Re: [Evolution-hackers] MAPI branch status?

On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 18:47 +0530, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> [Removing r-t list as it may not be right continue including them on
> user queries ]
> On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 14:09 +0100, William John Murray wrote:
> >   Hello Srini,
> >         I could just point out that I cannot read my email with it.
> > Only half the folders are shown, and  these happen not to include my
> > inbox. Should I open a bug? I felt it was 'work in progress' but
> > you seem to imply it should be better than that.
> Ideally, it should be working. IIRC our schedule has gone past that
> stage and such bugs should be killed early. Make sure that Johnny has
> that on top of his list ;-) 


William , Can you tell me the package versions ?

Thanks !

Johnny Jacob jjohnny novell com

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