Re: [Evolution-hackers] missing Evolution 1.4.4 source RPMs

Rodney Dawes wrote:

The 1.4.4 tarball in that directory is incomplete from the perspective of RPM packaging. It is missing "evolution.spec". I am building Evolution RPMs which need to be as close as possible to drop-in replacements for Ximian's builds, and that means building them using the same specfile.

(Why am I building my own Evolution RPMs? My builds contain extra instrumentation to help in tracking down bugs. This is part of an ongoing research project here at UC Berkeley. We're using Evolution as a case study to try out our bug isolation techniques.)

I can fake up a 1.4.4 specfile based on the 1.4.3 one, but I'd much rather know that I was starting from Ximian's real 1.4.4 build configuration.

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