Re: [evince] Need help to start contribution

On Mon, 2015-11-30 at 16:39 +0530, Sitaram Shelke wrote:
Hi everyone,
So I was trying to build evince-3.18.2. I installed Jhbuild,apt-file
poppler libraries and then I followed the steps which are as follows:
1.  jhbuild build evince
It gave me the following output:
    Required packages:
    System installed packages which are too old:
    No matching system package installed:
           jhbuild build: Required system dependencies not installed.
Install using the command 'jhbuild sysdeps --install' or to
ignore             system  dependencies use command-line option -

It seems to me you are using Ubuntu, Debian or some derivative of them.

Which version of the distribution are you using?

First, I would try:

$ sudo apt-get build-dep evince gobject-introspection at-spi2-core

2. jhbuild sysdeps --install
  It gave me the following output:
    I: Installing dependencies on system: libtiff rdflib llvm
    I: Using apt-file to search for providers; this may be slow. 
    I: No native package found for libtiff (/usr/include/tiff.h)
    I: No native package found for llvm (/usr/include/llvm-c/Core.h)
    I: Nothing to install

Try installing libtiff5-dev, llvm-dev (if apt-get build-dep did not
installed them).

FWIW, evince does not require llvm, but probably some dependency does.

3. jhbuild build evince  --nodeps
   After this build process took a long time and gave me the output
few lines are :
     *** Configuring gdk-pixbuf *** [9/45]
    ./ --prefix /home/ram/jhbuild/install
--enable-installed-tests --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc
   autoreconf: Entering directory `.'
   autoreconf: running: autopoint --force
   Can't exec "autopoint": No such file or directory at
/usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te/ line 345.
   autoreconf: failed to run autopoint: No such file or directory
   autoreconf: autopoint is needed because this package uses Gettext

The last two lines here are the ones you need to pay attention, because
it is giving you a hint of the problem.

You need `autopoint', and it is not found in your system.

Try installing autopoint. (sudo apt-get install autopoint).

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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