Re: [evince] GNOME Evince app - SELinux policies

On Mon, 2015-01-05 at 20:13 +0100, Michael Sládek wrote:
  my name is Michael Sládek and I'm going to write thesis about
SELinux policies. Its subject will be creating SELinux policies for
one application so I would like to ask you, how well is Evince
application covered in SELinux policies? Is Evince good choise for
such work or should I look for another application?

Although I am ignorant on this, I can certainly say that Evince does not
have anything like that in the code, nor in the documentation.

If anything, this implemented by distributors.  For example, Ubuntu uses
AppArmor and it uses it to restrict some Evince operations.  Sometimes
we get bug reports because of some of AppArmor policies implemented in

There would be a time where a feature like this could be useful: when
Evince (poppler to be precise) gets support for JavaScript.  But that
seems far.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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