Re: [evince] Evince thumbnailer in specific folders

On Fri, 2014-12-12 at 12:33 +0200, andrei ceata org wrote:
$ evince-thumbnailer /path/to/pdf/file.pdf /tmp/foo.png && \
  mv foo.png /var/lib/.../myproject && echo "true"

mv will complain.

I tried the /tmp && mv solution and it works. I run the thumbnail 
service with tomcat, in a Java application so I will use a Java way to 
get the TMP folder, which defaults to /usr/share/tomcat7/temp/. I can 
change the tomcat tmp folder to /tmp, but I want to understand why this 
happens. Why does evince generate a thumbnail in /tmp but not in 

Check the owner of the process, and the owner of /usr/share/tomcat7/temp
(and the permissions in each case).

/tmp by default has permission 1777, anybody can write there.  The other
one does not seem a standard temporary directory.

I even ran the thumbnail generator with root and it still does not 
generate anything in /usr/share/tomcat7/temp/.

I'll try to submit a bug. Not sure if a pull request also :D

This does not seem to be a bug in evince, but a setting in Tomcat.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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