Re: [evince] Help for accessing text annotations from libevview/libevdocument

On Sat, 2015-01-03 at 09:26 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
I have battled on with this and now have this:

  gint i;
  for (i=0; i< ev_document_get_n_pages(doc);i++)
     EvMappingList *mapping_list = ev_document_annotations_get_annotations (doc, ev_document_get_page(doc, 
        GList *g = ev_mapping_list_get_list (mapping_list);
        for (;g;g=g->next) {
            EvMapping *mapping = g->data;
            EvAnnotation *annot = mapping->data;
            g_print("Get %d %p %s", i, mapping->data, ev_annotation_get_contents (annot));

This shows up a bug - 

#include <libdocument/ev-annotations.h>

is missing from the evince-document.h file.

Likely the annotations are not being exposed publicly (I have not
checked the source code, but it might be possible).  Possibly because
nobody has used that API before.

Please file a bug, and if you are willing to work on this, you can
provide patches.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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