Re: [evince] Rebuilding evince

On Thu, 2015-01-08 at 13:58 +0530, Piyush Goel wrote:
Hey.. i built evince using jhbuild long time back and had made some changes
to the source.
I want to rebuild it and want to start afresh.
How do i proceed?
The steps necessary might depend of what do you mean by "long time". If
it was something close to September 2014, then you might only need
something like:

$ jhbuild shell
[go to evince source code directory]
$ git stash   # to put your changes aside
$ git fetch
$ git rebase
$ make
$ make install

I am assuming that your changes were on top of master.  `make` will
detect that the build files were modified, and it will re-run configure
with the proper parameters, and then to proceed to build evince.

If you still want to check if your changes still apply to master, then
you can use:

$ git stash apply

If there is a conflict, it will complain and you can try to fix it.

If "long time" was earlier, configure might complain that you need a
newer version of some library (say gtk+).  In such case, probably you
will want to run `jhbuild build evince`, and jhbuild will try to build
anything that is necessary (don't forget to stash your changes in

If you want to delete/drop your changes, instead of `git stash`, you can
just run:

$ git reset --hard origin/master

Check the documentation of git reset, git stash, and the other commands
I mentioned.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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