Re: [evince] Toolbar add options not available on Ubuntu13.10

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Andrew <agreig protectionprojects co za>
Para: Juanjo Marín <juanjomarin96 yahoo es>
Enviado: Martes 22 de octubre de 2013 17:47
Asunto: Re: [evince] Toolbar add options not available on Ubuntu13.10

T hanks very much for your reply.

np :)

I did find the key strokes work, but noted that at least one is not 
deducible for a novice user e.g. ctrl-p for printing. Also miss the icon 
for instant one-click page sizing.

All the keyboard accelerators are shown in the two menus in Evince. 

I'm sure many users really hope evince can be reverted to previous 

AFAIK, there is no plan to revert the new design (and I agree it is not a good idea). The closest bug report 
about this was open from me. Taking into account the developer resources, I think it 
won't resolved soon.

Best wishes, Andrew

Cheers and thanks for your interest in Evince,

   -- Juanjo Marin

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