Re: [evince] new feature request: FIX PASSWORD Protected PDFs

Excerpts from Verification Academy's message of vie jun 15 18:19:48 +0200 2012:
> Hello Evince developers.


> I use PDFs a lot and I password protect them, so users can't edit them.
> Not to open them.
> So naturally, anyone who downloads and opens with Adobe Reader has no
> issues viewing the PDF content.
> However - for those users that use Evince, they can't open the pdf
> because it asks for the password.  When I receive feedback on this, I
> tell these users, this is an evince issue and that they should download
> Reader to open and view our pdfs.
> Therefore - you guys should really consider fixing the password
> protection on pdfs. There is a big difference.

I've never seen this problem before, could you provide one of those
PDF files where the problem can be reproduced?

> thanks,
> John.

Carlos Garcia Campos
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