Re: [evince] Give users a warning that filled out pdfs won't save

Excerpts from Laura Stupin's message of lun sep 12 13:28:45 +0200 2011:
> Dear Evince Developers,
> I'm a Ubuntu newbie.  I think it's great that Ubuntu 11.04 includes the
> Evince Document Viewer, I've used it a ton already for reading lots of
> documents with no problem.
> However, I recently downloaded an important and long pdf form. I filled out
> the fields, which the Document Viewer allowed me to do, and then I happily
> saved the document so I could modify it later.  It was rather...frustrating
> that all of my filled out fields disappeared without warning once the
> document had been saved.

That's a bug, please file a bug report in,
and attach the document there if you can share it.

> After clicking on the help menu and going to the Evince page (
> and seeing the tagline "simply a document
> viewer" I realized, oh, this program is not intended to be able to save
> filled out forms. I wish I had known that *before* I saved or even better,
> when I started filling out the form.  I think many users would appreciate a
> warning that their changes to pdf forms will not be saved, and would
> strongly encourage you to include this feature in future versions.

I understand your frustration, and I'm sorry, but this is just a bug.

> Thanks,
> L

Carlos Garcia Campos
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