Re: evince embedded into firefox

On 2009-10-09, eduardo fiss beloni
<eduardobeloni yahoo com br> wrote:
> I see that evince is a single instance application and I am having
> some problems while trying to embed it into firefox 3.0.14, using
> mozplugger 1.12.1.
> At a first glance, firefox embedds evince well. However after openning
> two (or more) firefox tabs running evince for two different pdf files,
> say f1.pdf and f2.pdf, on closing the f1.pdf tab, f2.pdf is closed
> too, and this happens to any other evince running after f1.pdf, even
> those not embedded by firefox!
> That is, once the first evince application (embed) is closed, it
> closes all others.
> This is the line I currently use in my /etc/mozpluggerrc: repeat noisy
> swallow(Document Viewer) hidden fill: evince "$file"

man mozplugger

There seems to be a "nokill" flag, try it for evince.

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