very weird lack of .cbt support on Evince


since i knew Evince supports .cbz comicbooks i got really addicted to
it - i can do my own presentations making a .zip of a folder having
pictures inside, and forget 'powerpoint' existed anyway ( )

the problem is, recently, i found from a wikipedia page ( ) that .cbt is
also a comicbook format, based on libre and very well documented .tar

otherwise, Evince still only supports .cbz and .cbr formats, both
based on proprietary (even available as libre) .zip and .rar formats

as daily user, it seems to be such a problem, but as a GNU/Linux user,
it's weird seeing Evince not supporting .cbt format, and does so well
on .cbz and .cbr formats (and it's wonderful it does, since they are
very useful)

i'd like to know further oppinions about this issue, and how scheduled
is the support of .cbt format on Evince

thanks and cheers,

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