Re: [sugar] eBook ideas

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

what is the internet archive?

The Internet Archive ( is scanning many books and putting them online as PDF files. They also archive other things like web pages and music and software, but this project is to make a good eBook reader for the scanned books. They are available in several formats including PDF and DJVW. We considered using DJVW (which evince supports), but decided to focus on PDF, because it is more widely used and supported.
This is not quite correct. The xbook activity binds the evince view API,
it's not a separate process.
I didn't realize evince was usable as a library integrated with Python -- that's great! I wasn't able to find the evince module in the sugar source tree, but I'm not completely up to date.
Has it been checked in recently, or can I download it from somewhere?
I think binding poppler is probably the right thing to do now, given the
Ebook requirements and how the sugar graphics API is shaping up.

Yes, let's give Cairo lots of exercise, and make it better, smaller and faster! Poppler calls Cairo directly to do the rendering, without using any intermediate bitmaps.
I'm not that happy about SWIG, since poppler has a glib API and most of
sugar API is gobject based. Though using poppler directly might give us
more flexibility. In the end I don't think it's a big issue, so I'm fine
with whatever it's easier for you.

I'm using SWIG because I'm familiar with it, but I haven't figured out the glib python wrapping stuff yet. If glib wrappers would "just work" without much more work, then it sounds like that would be worth doing. Is there a simple project that uses glib python bindings, that I can use as an example?
Where's can I find some more documentation about glib python wrappers?

Awesome! Do you have a public repository for this work? As soon as it
doesn't regress xbook functionalities I'd like to get it into the


I haven't packaged it up and put it into a repository yet, but that's high on my todo list. I have my own svn server that I can publish the code on, but I'd be glad to check them into the official repository, once they projects configure nicely and don't break anything.

It's factored into two projects: the python poppler module and the sugar ebook activity. The poppler module shouldn't effect xbook, but we should figure out whether it's best for me to integrate the work I'm doing for the Internet Archive with the existing xbook activity, or make a separate activity for now (based on xbook), and merge them later (or not).

I'm going to be adding some Internet Archive library browsing, searching and ebook downloading functionality, using RSS feeds. Since search results are returned as RSS: Do you think I should I try to use penguintv to browse RSS feeds of book search results? Run it as a separate activity that switches back to the ebook reader when you click on a link to a pdf file? Or would it be easier (and better integrated) to embed the rss reader in the ebook interface? Is there a way to register the ebook reader activity as the handler of the pdf content type, so both the web browser and rss reader will switch to it to read PDF files?

Now that we can read SVG as well as PDF (and PNG of course) and render it with Cairo, it would be nice to have a generic high-level media-type-independent interface, like a resource manager, that knows how to load, measure and render icons (or pages), and deal with caching.

I ran across something like that, IconCache in module, but currently it only knows about svg files.

IconCache could be refactored and extended into a resource manager that supports any kind of image, and optionally support caching scaled bitmaps as well as direct Cairo rendering. It could support icons with multiple frames (for pdf document pages, animated gif frames, etc), and application could tell it how aggressively to cache bitmaps and data structures in memory (or turn off caching so it always reads the file from disk). The operating system should notify applications when memory or disk space is low, and the resource manager can flush its caches as appropriate.


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