Re: Evince update and release

Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> what is the rationale behind this? Dont we actually want to support
> nautilus properties for all the mime types we support (or at least
> those that provides metadata).
> Marco
>>I was actually going to propose the alternative, and suggest that you
>>just link it with poppler.

Marco, may I suggest that if the other types use libraries like poppler
then it would be just as practical to link to each of them individually.

Of course, a common EvDocument method would be nice, but at what
expense? It is not simple to make this work with importing half of the

To put things in perspective (on x86_64 binary format):

Manually including .o's from all over the place (some from shell/ and
some from backend/) to resolve dependencies by hand, my extension is
rather big:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 314449 May 12 23:02

This does not even have all of the dependencies in yet, and as such, it
does not work. I gave up on this approach after three iterations of
manually linking in compiler objects.

I'm sure there's a better way to do this. Is there?

Even if there is, how big do we allow the library to get? I don't know
much about how nautilus does its dlopen(), but I can see RAM usage
skyrocketing with libraries that are hundreds of kilobytes in size. All
of totem's properties page is ~94K with an additional ~10K for gstreamer
on this same machine. And that handles a multitude of mime types.

I should probably just get on IRC and "talk." :)


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