Re: eggfindbar ?


Le mardi 24 mai 2005 �0:32 -0400, Vincent Noel a �it :
> A little while ago I have implemented a firefox-esque find bar in the
> gnome-system-log viewer. This kind of widget is now present in a few
> places in Gnome :
> and
> For the sake of consistence, I'd like to make the one in
> gnome-system-log similar to the one in evince.
> After looking at evince's code, I figured I might just as well steal
> the eggfindbar code - but where should I steal it from ? it's not in
> libegg CVS, and some googling revealed it is now shared only by evince
> and epiphany.
> Where is the base implementation (i.e. where new development go) ?
> Epiphany or evince ?

It started in evince, then I copied it from there in my Find extension
for Epiphany. I modified it a bit, but that's now merged back to evince,
afaik. So I guess both are a good source for the eggfindbar code.

I'm currently working on integrating the find bar into Epiphany, and I'm
_not_ using eggfindbar. Instead, I'm implementing a find bar based on a
GtkToolbar, like the Yelp find bar. That will make Epiphany and Yelp
have the same findbar look and feel, so perhaps you'll want to join? :)
[The code isn't in cvs yet.]


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