Memory use in 2.22 with WebKitGTK 2.14

Hey all,

I feel like Epiphany's/WebKitGTK's memory use has substantially increased with 3.22/2.14, under X11 on Ubuntu at least.

My current Epiphany session has ~70 tabs over two windows. If I quit and restart it, such that only two of those tabs have actually loaded any content, then the total memory consumption is ~7GB (as reported by gnome-system-monitor total free before and after launching Ephy). This seems to be a substantial increase over earlier versions.

Breaking that down, I am seeing the following approx Memory (from g-s-m):
- Epiphany: 100M
- Network + DB processes: 40M
- Single web process for loaded tabs: 250M (+ 10M XServer memory)
- Single web process for not-yet-loaded tabs: 55M (+ 10M XServer memory)

While that doesn't add up to ~7GB, adding up the RSS sizes as reported by `ps aux` does.

Switching to a single-shared-process gives 6.4G used after launch, with similar numbers for the aux processes, and the following for the single web process:

- Shared web process: 2.1G (+ 550Mb XServer memory)

This is in comparison to the honourable competition, both of which use ~1G after opening 70 blank tabs.

Is this to be expected? What's the best way to try to find out where all this memory is going?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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