Re: Documentation on Certificate Management

Hello, please see my reply below:

On 28/10/2014, Michael Heyns <mike bean heyns gmail com> wrote:
Dear Epiphany Team,

I hope using the mailing list for enquiry is not inappropriate. I have
searched and asked around the web but with no definitive answer.

I would just like more information on how to manage certificates in
Epiphany. We use an ownCloud server at home and then Epiphany saved Web
Apps for Calendar, Tasks and Contacts. The server's certificate is
self-signed and I would like to know how to import it. I noticed there
is nothing in the GNOME Web Help dialog regarding certificates.

The epiphany documentation is generally the domain of the GNOME
documentation team[1] which welcomes all contributions. I would be
more than happy to document the issue if someone can let me know how
to import certificates.

Michael, I have filed a bug at against the
documentation. Please feel free to subscribe to it if you would like
to receive updates of any progress.

I have tried the /etc/ssl/certs method. The pk12util method. The
Nautilus and Seahorse method.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. All desktops and laptops are
running GNOME 3.14 apart from one still on 3.12.

That is good as the documentation is generally maintained only for the
latest release. If we can fix the issue in the very near future, there
is a possibility that there could be another 3.14 release with the
fix, depending on whether the maintainers are planning another stable
release or not. Regardless, thank you for reporting the issue.

Thank you for your time and all you do for the project.

Kind Regards,
Michael Heyns


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