Re: GNOME Software Integration

Hi Richard,

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Richard Hughes <hughsient gmail com> wrote:
gnome-software is built on a series of plugins that service requests
in different threads. To integrate fully with epiphany I need to know
these 6 things:

 * How do I get a list of installed web apps?

I believe it's not possible to do this outside of epiphany yet, but it should be fairly simple. The API you need to expose is lib/ephy-web-app-utils.h:ephy_web_application_get_application_list()
 * How do I get a list of available (i.e. not yet installed) web apps?

There is no such a thing. Web applications are created by the user from an existing web page.
 * Where are the icons / screenshots stored for the web-apps?

They are stored in ~/.config/epiphany/app-epiphany-XXXXXXXXXX/app-icon.png, where XXXXX is the domain of the app plus a random hash thing.
 * Are the descriptions localized?

Not really. Again, the apps are created by the user, so the name is whatever he or she decides it should be.
 * How do I "remove" a web-app from outside epiphany?

 epiphany --delete-application <app id>

 * How do I "install" a web-app from outside epiphany?

Again, not possible to do.

It should just be a case of writing ~200 lines of C as a
gnome-software plugin if we can easily answer these questions. Thanks!

I think the basic issue here is that web apps are, as they stand, not meant to be distributed, listed in a store, etc. They are just convenient wrappers for a web page, with a special UI, that users can create on their own. If we want to turn them into "apps" that you can put in a store we should change a few things first. In the end, though, the app is nothing more than a .desktop file and an app icon, basically.



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