GNOME Software Integration

Hi all,

My name is Richard Hughes, and I'm one of the main developers behind
the GNOME Software project. I'm trying to fix this bug so we can bring web
apps to gnome-software as first class citizens.

gnome-software is built on a series of plugins that service requests
in different threads. To integrate fully with epiphany I need to know
these 6 things:

 * How do I get a list of installed web apps?
 * How do I get a list of available (i.e. not yet installed) web apps?
 * Where are the icons / screenshots stored for the web-apps?
 * Are the descriptions localized?
 * How do I "remove" a web-app from outside epiphany?
 * How do I "install" a web-app from outside epiphany?

It should just be a case of writing ~200 lines of C as a
gnome-software plugin if we can easily answer these questions. Thanks!


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