Re: Epiphany very unstable

On 26/06/11 12:50, Xan Lopez wrote:
>> I found that Epiphany has been similarly unstable for a while now,
>> including 2.32.x and 3.0.x on my 64-bit Ubuntu machine.
> We will release 3.0.4 and WebKitGTK+ 1.4.2 really soon, possibly
> tomorrow. If you can make it crash (at all, but even more if it's as
> often as the first mail suggests) we'd really like to know. It's very
> stable in our own experience.

I'm currently on Debian (64-bit), Epiphany 3.0.2 and WebkitGTK+ 1.4.1,
and I'm also seeing serious instability. I'll definitely retest with
3.0.4 and 1.4.2, but I wanted echo the initial poster's remarks with a
more recent version of Epiphany.

- certain sites make Epiphany crash consistently, like f.e. which I was just looking at a few minutes ago. It
only takes 2-3 clicks to crash the browser.

- having to run Flash through nspluginwrapper is a pain (certain
functionality has problems, like youtube embeds that always fail to load
the movie itself). I guess there's little you can do about that. I'm not
holding my breath for Adobe to come up with a GTK3 version - as long as
Firefox is GTK2 by default (moz bug 627699). In that moz bug they do
seem to mention the possibility of running GTK2 plugins in a GTK3 app -
is it really impossible for Epiphany?

- A crash in Epiphany sometimes makes gnome-shell crash too, kicking me
out of my desktop session, open terminals and all. Not sure how that is
possible, maybe a consequence of nspluginwrapper again, but I'm not sure
how to go about debugging it. I guess it sounds more like a mutter or
gnome-shell bug - but it only ever happens with Epiphany.

In spite of all that, Epiphany is still my favourite browser and I
realise a lot of progress has already been made. With every release
problematic bugs or performance issues are being fixed, and I for one
appreciate it.


-- Mourad

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