Re: Any way to get with the keyboard the "Search the web" field?

On Apr 29, 2009, at 18:27, Magnus Therning wrote:

Tim Horton wrote:
Seed is Javascript-based. It uses WebKit's Javascript engine, so if you have any familiarity with the language, you shouldn't have too much trouble. (or email me, I'm one of the Seed devs)
There are a few example extensions... somewhere. I thought they were in the epiphany repo, but they might not be; if you want them, I'll find them :-)

I find the description on that page somewhat confusing. :-)

It's not an extension of the internals of the interpreter, per se; it's actually a library which itself consumes the Webkit and Gobject Introspection APIs and turns around and provides both an embedding API that wraps all of JSCore, and a small program which allows one to write standalone applications. I'll see if I can't make the l.g.o description make more sense at some point (it was mostly written in a hurry a few months ago when we first moved to GNOME SVN).

Is it a JavaScript interpreter that has been extended so that GObjects can be accessed and treated like built-in objects? (I guess that's what the "dynamic bridging" is about. Is the bridging also seamless?)

I guess the mention of it as a "library" means that it's suitable for embedding, right?

We're hoping to stick Seed extensions in lots of places in GNOME, to provide a small and well-integrated language to write plugins and stuff in. It seems to be pretty easy to get working, embedding-wise, anyway!

Anyway, the examples look straight forward enough, and using the webkit "javascript engine" is clever. I won't mind rewriting my e-e using it once it's put to use in epiphany.

Glad to hear you don't object :-) It's actually already in Epiphany in Git, you just have to configure with "--enable-seed --enable- introspection --disable-python", if you want to play around!


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)          Jabber:|twitter: magthe

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