Re: xpdf and other alternatives

On 9/28/06, Michael V. De Palatis <mvd gatech edu> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 09:03:37AM -0500, Steve Bergman wrote:
> As a Gnome app, it should use the default application for that file
> type.
> In Gnome 2.14, I just tried it.  In Nautilus, right-clicking on a pdf
> file and selecting "properties->open with", I found that xpdf is the
> default for .pdf files.  Opening a pdf with epiphany opens it in xpdf.
> I changed it in nautilus to use "Document Viewer" (Evince) and now
> epiphany opens it in evince.

Well, unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I should be forced into
using the Gnome settings daemon just so that I can get my web browser
to use the appropriate helper applications that I want.

This is really probably my biggest complaint about Epiphany -- It is
over-reliant in areas such as this on being a Gnome application, which
means that those of us who prefer not to use Gnome have a harder time
using it.
There are other non-GNOME browsers.  From the project page:

"Epiphany is the web browser for the GNOME desktop. .... Epiphany ties
together many GNOME components in order to let you focus on the Web
content, instead of the browser application. As part of the GNOME

...fits in perfectly with GNOME...."

I'm fairly sure they're targeting the GNOME desktop, and are thusly
making it easiest for its users.  I, for one, appreciate the
simplicity over using Firefox with its rather complicated
implementation of filetypes and actions.

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