Re: automatic search and .com

This isn't probably the official way to do it, but IANA Official
Epiphany Developer (TM).

There's a bunch of preferences you can tweak if you point Epiphany at
"about:config".  You don't get there through the menu system, you type
that into the location bar and hit Enter.

1.) It seems epiphany 2.16 doesn't automatically search with Google,
when you type something what is not a URL in the address field. I can
understood this isn't default anymore, but can I activate it?

Hmm... odd.  I was going to say "look for keyword.URL and
keyword.enabled - and change keyword.enabled to true".  This worked
for me in 2.14, but apparently not in 2.16.

2.) How can I deactivate the automatic expansion of "foo" to

Look for things starting with browser.fixup, for example, set
browser.fixup.alternate.enabled to false.

Alternatively, a work-around is to explicitly add the http:// to the
start of your request.

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