Middle-clicking on toolbar buttons to open new tabs


I have created a patch which changes how Epiphany handles
middle-clicking on some toolbar buttons. Specifically, it makes it so
new tabs created by middle-clicking the "Back", "Up", "Forward" and
"GoHome" toolbar buttons are loaded in the foreground instead of the
background. This mirrors FireFox' behaviour which I think is better
than Epiphany's current, which I think is a little annoying, because
when you open tabs by middle-clicking toolbar buttons, chances are
that you want to visit those tabs immediately.

I know that this change creates an "inconsistency" because
middle-clicking on hyperlinks opens new tabs in the background while
middle-clicking on toolbar buttons opens new tabs in the
foreground. But I think it is worth it because it is more natural to
open new tabs in the foreground when you middle-click toolbar buttons.

What do you think?

Bug and patch: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=376013

And two more bugs dealing with middle-clicking on toolbar buttons:

mvh Björn

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