Re: Default font sizes are very small

Hello, sorry about the delay. Been busy. :)

On 3/27/06, Michael Wardle <michael endbracket net> wrote:
The Google search results page seems to use <font size=-1> quite a lot.
  I think this is what is causing the text to be so small.

I knew I shouldn't have made specific examples, as it always ends up with someone pointing to one specific little part. I see this on a *lot* of sites, and as far as I can tell, it's for any site that doesn't specify a default font-size that either can just be used as-is or provide the basis for say font-size: -1. 

Sites that do specify a default font size renders exactly the same as in Firefox, and very similar to other browsers. Problem here is that when this information is missing, all other browsers behave about the same, but not Epiphany, which defaults to a much smaller resolution as basis. This has absolutely nothing to do with what Google uses, as it is common all over the web, and is totally apt in all other browsers.

All in all, it seems that even though the default font size for totally unstyled pages is a bit big in other browsers, I think that is just fine. If you leave your page totally unstyled, at least anyone can read it, which is a lot better than that clumpsily styled pages can't be read in Epiphany. Any webmaster who cares about appearance will style it.

I'm not sure if it's points or pixels, but like I said, 12 seems to conform to normal size when changing it in Epiphany, if I compare to how it renders in Firefox. 10 (the default) seems to be the correct size for fixed width. It's tha same on several different computers with very different specs, with old and most recent Epiphanys alike.

On 3/27/06, Joachim Frieben <jfrieben freesurf fr> wrote:
I wonder if you did not simply notice a bug that I had already reported
elsewhere. It seems that "epiphany" fonts appear smaller than they ought to
from the start unless you open "Edit > Preferences > Fonts & Style > Detaild
font Settings..." for the very first time.

No, I don't think so. Going back down to 10 makes it way too small again, also...

This does *not* require to actually change the font size values. Apparently,
"epiphany" only looks up the right font sizes at this moment. See also:

Nope - it does not work that way for me. I need to actively change that value.

-- Kristoffer

Kristoffer Lundén
kristoffer lunden gmail com
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