Re: 4 requested features

Divendres 08 Octubre 2004 17:26, en/na Adam Hooper (<Adam Hooper 
<adamh densi com>>) va escriure:
>>Re: 4 requested features
> On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 13:10 +0200, Xan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > First of all, thank you for the simplicity of the web browser. For this
> > reason, it's a fast application. I like ephiphany very much, but I think
> > that it need some extras:
> For the ones which have them, I'll propose some simple workarounds
> (which in some cases work even better than what you suggest :)).
> > 1) Can you put "view the source" in the right-button of mouse menu in the
> > page. Perhaps some people use it frequently.
> Press Ctrl-U. Alternatively, install the mouse-gestures extension and
> gesture an "s" or "up-right-down".

Yes. But I think that it a bit complex. I prefer that it were in right click 
menu. It's more simply and faster

> > 2) Secondly, when we have more tabs, it's not easy to go to the first or
> > to de last. Can you put something in the menu of Tabs?.
> I'd find this handy, too. I can't think of a decent user interface for
> it, though. Where would the necessary buttons be? What would they look
> like?

Perhaps and optionally (choose it from preferences menu) doble arrow at the 
beginning and at the end of the tabs.

So, we have:

<<| <| Tab1 | Tab 2 | ... | > | >>

< is go to previous tab.
> is go to next tab

<< is go to 1rst tab.
>> is go to last tab.

but it's just a suggestion. Surely, there are more simple ways to do that.
Even include in the tab menu (because maybe it will not use very much)

> > 3) Perhaps, it were good to have a displaying menu for an specific tab
> > (ala Galeon or ala firefox). When you click with right-button of the
> > mouse into some tab, a menu appears:
> >
> > "Close tab"
> > "Separate tab"
> "Right-click -> Close tab" instead of clicking on the tiny "x"? What a
> waste.

This does not works for me. I only have "x" (?)

> To separate a tab, just drag it off the window.

(*) But I don't want to create another window and close the original. I don't 
to move tabs. I want to remove the others. For remove all items of a 
directory, you could select the one you want to leave, separate it, and 
deletes another. Or simply select the annoying items and press supr. Do you 
understand what I mean. Formally, it's not what the user wants.

> > The ideal were that the tab menu and the "page menu" (right click on the
> > current page) were editable, as toolbar is. Surely, it need more code to
> > implement, but I think that the result were very interesting. More people
> > use epiphany for the simplicity of editing toolbar and the possibility of
> > having more than one.
> That would be kind of interesting. However, the "page menu" probably
> won't get that, since there are actually several different "page menu"s
> -- one if you right-click on an image, another for a frame, another for
> a link, another for an image which is a link, etc.

Yes. Perhaps there were too much menus.

> Have you looked into epiphany extensions? It's possible for extensions
> to add to these menus. We'd just have to think of something worth
> adding ;).
> > 4) Finally, I think thet "Close all except this tab" could be in the Tab
> > menu.
> Drag the tab off the window then close the window.

Refer to (*)

> > PS: A desktop user.
> There's a reason for Epiphany developers' reluctance to implement every
> suggested feature. If we did, we'd end up with a cluttered user
> interface, which made it harder to do *everything*. Stick a new computer
> user in front of Firefox and then Epiphany, you'll see what I mean :).

Yes. I understand you. These are only suggestions, for if you think that these 
are convenient or useful for include in it.

> However, there is a nice extensions system for adding new features. A
> "Close all except this tab" extension would be relatively easy to code,
> for example. It could be a part of the "tabsmenu" extension, even.


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