Re: [Epiphany] Some more input about bookmarks

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003, Esben Haabendal Soerensen wrote:

>I don't see how "folder" is a more generic concept than "topic".  Just
>It would be unnatural to be able to put a bookmark in to more than one
>folder at a time.

But the folder concept has been so stretched out anyway by extended
computer metaphors, why not ? :) Hmmm, just trying a little email sarcasm.

Really, I agree, and I think that "folder" is too conceptually overloaded
in computers as it is. "Topic" works for me, but so might "category",
"keyword", "metadata", etc.

>I for one find multiple topics a good thing.  It is the single one
>reason that I am switching over from Galeon, and I believe it is the
>biggest asset in this project.  Going back to plain folders would
>remove the main incentive for people to try out Epiphany.

I strongly agree here. Having the ability to associate multiple metadata
categories (topics, whatever) to a bookmark has increased the utility of my
bookmark collection enormously. With Galeon I normally used bookmarks as a
last resort.

With Galeon, my metadata search methods were generally url, then google,
then bookmarks. This is partly because bookmarks, for me, are difficult to
keep organized into a fixed hierarchy. Using folders (or any strict
hierarchy), where do cross disciplinary bookmarks fit in ? For example,
Larry Wall's speech, "Perl, the first postmodern programming language" ?
computers -> perl -> articles ? people -> wall -> articles ? postmodern ?


Leif Morgan Johnson .
IAESTE trainee      .
Salomon Automation  .

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