Re: GNOME User Groups

On 08/13/2018 11:14 AM, Alexandre Franke wrote:
On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 4:21 AM Michael Hall <mhall gnome org> wrote:
Hello Engagement Team,

With the next release of GNOME fast approaching, I wanted to extend an
invitation to use as a way to grow the
local GNOME communities around the world, and bring them together to
celebrate the release.
(Careful, there was a typo here: it’s with an h)

Looks good. I guess the plan would be to use this instead of the usual
wiki pages. In that case, a bit of wiki gardening to reflect that
direction would be a good idea.

The privacy policy mentions possible collection of identifying data,
but nothing about being able to get them erased. I *think* the website
is not compliant with GDPR. What do you reckon?

I used a generic privacy policy generator, because I'm not a lawyer and
I needed something in order to use external authentication systems :)

GetTogether itself doesn't collect anything other than what you choose
to give it, and you can change that at any time. There's not currently a
way to delete your user account, but that can be added with a bit of
work. I'm not sure what all GDPR requires.
GetTogether is a free and open source group event hosting platform that
was written with GNOME in mind, based on BoFs from GUADEC 2017. The
instance on is free for anybody to use,
and making it available to GNOME is my way of giving back to the project.
I am thankful for that! I want to encourage people around me to use
it, but lack of localization is an issue. Is it on your roadmap?
Yes, it absolutely is! I have GetTogether setup in Transifex already,
and Django natively supports localization. But there is work needed to
go through the codebase and mark any strings for translation (it's very
hit or miss right now)

The service also looks like something the GNOME Foundation could more
actively support. Even if it’s not GNOME branded (and I think it
should remain so), it helps us with our mission. If the cost of
running that service starts to be a problem for you, consider reaching
out to the board of directors about it.
Thanks! Hosting is pretty cheap right now, and I have hopes to be able
to get recurring sponsorship (from GNOME and other orgs) to make it
sustainable and still free for all users.

There is a longer-term goal to be able to host branded instances, so for
example could point to a view that shows only GNOME
teams and events. It's also possible to host your own instance and
federate event data between them (what is federated is pretty limited
right now, but some contributors are looking into making it fully
ActivityPub compliant).


Michael Hall
mhall gnome org

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