Re: New initiative proposal: October is the month we squash bugs

Hi Alexandre,

I think it's a good idea and it's probably something the engaegment team probably can help promoting. To make it the initative a reality the initiative probably need some more documentation / organization for it to happen, though.

It could be a wiki page called fx:

(inspiration can be taken from the EveryDetailMatters initative probably: )

On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 11:15 , Alexandre Franke <afranke gnome org> wrote:
# What is it? A two part event with the goal of cleaning up our bug tracker.

Two part event? What parts will the event consist of?

## Online The GNOME community tries to focus on bug triaging for a month. We can organize several sessions at specific time and dates to do it together for a few hours, but we can also do it individually on our own time.

## In real life We organize gatherings or workshops (known as bug squashing parties) where local free software community members are taught how to triage bugs.

We probably need to get some specific dates down on paper. Knowing that it's happening in October is a good start though. Also how do you imagine we do it together? something like a Jitsi meeting? being on IRC at the same time? Is there a channel where people should stay around for this?


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