NOTES | GNOME Social Media Hackathon on March 5th

Hi All, 

Here are our notes from today. I'm including a top-level summary, and then the longer notes below. We had a very productive meeting so thank you to everyone who made it!


  • Ownership: Zana will be the driver of this release day social media project and will coordinate with the rest
  • Content for posts: We have a posting schedule and some posts for the days leading to, and directly following, the release day
  • Twitter: Zana now has Twitter access so can help post there
  • Social Media policies: We are working on some proposed policies around social media, including who can have access to admin privileges and how we might keep track of "official" vs "unofficial" groups and pages
About the attached spreadsheet:
Adelia put together some templates on a Libre Office spreadsheet (attached) to help us plan our social media strategy. Here's a brief description of each tab:
  • Editorial Calendar: This is where we are adding the important events and then the goals for milestones leading up to that event. For example, we have broken up the time left until release day into separate weeks and have added some goals for those weeks. 
  • Content Calendar: This is the tab where we actually write out and schedule the posts for each social media channel. We have taken into account the goals for each week leading to the release day and have created posts to try to achieve those goals. 
  • Social Media Audit: We've added a list of social media channels, but not all may be official. We still need to add to this list, so that we understand which ones we think should be official. This list lets also captures who can post to each channel.
  • Tab 4: Adelia found this nifty guide to how often might be appropriate to post on different types of social media. 

Full notes of our meeting can be found here:

And copied here: 

Social Media Hackathon | March 5, 2016



Our goals --> Social media goals (has to be more than just vanity metrics like Likes and Followers
- Awareness of GNOME --> Reach
- Thought Leadership (e.g. GNOME hackers' blogs) --> Consumption
- Word of Mouth --> Shares, Retweets

Audit of current social media status 
- possible actions - delete/consolidate accounts to simplify social presence
- centralize passwords? tool to share access on a need basis?
- revisit/reassign ownership of logins
- clarify mission of each profile - e.g. do we post all the same things on all accounts?

Develop our Social Media Strategy
- determine content and posting cadence
- Editorial Calendar - gather all our content into one document to help us plan and schedule each release.
- Social Media Content Calendar - content promotion organized by date and time and channel


Global policy for social media: 
    - there should be centralization of passwords on own cloudwhich is shared with the Board
    - we should create a difference between "official" and "unofficial" groups and pages so that we make sure that we can make sure that they are representing us well and also so we can leverage their impact
    - official groups should share login info with the Board. These official groups will be different than fan groups. 
    - official groups should check in with the engagement team once a year with any updated login info and to let us know that they are still active, otherwise, they will be demoted to "unofficial" or listed as retired.
    - official groups and social media channels should be listed on the website (consider adding a community page) @Allan
    - consider doing the social media update during GUADEC. This would entail making sure that all of the "official" groups have given us updated info and also updating the new Board with the info

Each social media channel has a different way of granting admin priviledges. It's important to know how each channel works so that we make sure that someone active is handling each channel and also how to grant and remove access, as needed. Here are a few we concentrated on understanding during the meeting and some channel-specific policies we should consider adding. 

There is only one login and password that multiple people share. 
Policy to consider: change password once a year, every time we have a new Board. This will ensure that it is being managed by active members, and that we maintain security. 

Might want to create new sub accounts so we can retweet to specific communities, for example: 
    - GNOME Users
    - GNOME Developers
    - GNOME Engagement
... this will probably not happen in the short-term.

    Groups: These are best for when you want to encourage discussions and interaction between members
    Pages: This is similar to a bulletin and is a great way to update fans about what is going on
   Action Step@nuritzi - GNOME SF page to be converted into a Group to enable more interactions and discussions between members as opposed to just informational (facebook)
        - only want a few admin and moderator privileges; we have quite a number of admins now, will have to review
        - most people should be moderators, not admins
        Different roles require different responsibilities: 
  •         - admin: must attend regular engagement team meetings 
  •         - moderator: should ideally be a Foundation member
             Note: we don't have to share admin with Board (not necessary)
    Action Step:  Sri helps to add the real YouTube channel to Google+ page: and remove the old one
    Current Managers:
        * Allan Day
        * Parth Panchal
        * Olav Vitters
        * Ray Strode
        * Lennart Poettering
        * Matthias Clasen
        * Luis Medina
        * Marina Zhurakhinskaya
        * Bastian Ilso
        * Andreas Nillson
    @Bastian or Allan - link to Google+ website from the official YouTube channel
    Action Step: Figure out how LinkedIn pages work and figure out how to use it.


These are our high-level goals for the social media posts throughout this 3.20 release day campaign

  • Before Release
  • #1 - get people to hype up the release
  • - get people to post the release badge 
  • - get developers to blog about it and we can share their posts
  • - get people excited about the upcoming release features: encourage people to tweet and post regarding new features, etc to build excitement for upcoming releases
  • #2 - get people to organize release parties 
  • - create ideas and tips for how to organize a party
  • - might consider printing marketing materials
  • - get people to take pictures at release parties
  • #3 - personalize GNOME and get people excited about the community aspect
  • - get to know some of the people working on this release
  • - feature different hackers and what they worked on in this release, get to know this developer, create a profile (or of a group)

  • For Release
  • #1 - let people know that it's out
  • #2 - let people know why this is relevant & exciting
  • - highlight features and improvements of the release
  • #3 - help people get access to the release
  • - for current users: let people know how to access GNOME and how to actually install it on your system, and when to expect wider rollout 
  • - get people to ask about GNOME 
  • #4 - get new users

  • After Release
  • #1 - Be responsive to and inclusive of the community
  • - acknowledge people who thank us 
  • - thank people for contributing
  • #2 - Request photos from release parties with licenses we can use
  • - can retweet those and generate excitement for future events
  • #3 - get people interested in contributing to GNOME and future releases
  • - how newcomers can join
  • - profile on groups
  • #4 - brand promotion and letting the world know about our success 
  • - share how many retweets, shares and likes we had
  • #5 - Friends of GNOME promo

Promote hashtags:
  • #IAMGNOME - community releated posts
  • #GNOMErelease #3point20 - features and release

Social Media rollout calendar
  • Week of March 14: Get people to post badge, check for parties near you/ attend or else organize one
  • Week of March 21: Release, positive quotes and reactions, release party attendance
  • Week of March 28: General thank you to release team and all contributors, 

Design Requests: 
    - ask  Andreas if we might want to create a badge for this release (like a skyline for that city) (@Sri to text Andreas :) )

List of developers that we can get stories from:
* mclasen - wayland, gtk+/css 
* richard hughes - gnome software 
* jonasdn - gnome-maps 

Contributor Spotlight: 
    humanizing GNOME
    showcasing cool feature
    Potential Interview Guide for Spotlight Profiles
    How long have you been contributing to GNOME?
    Why do you contribute?
    What about Nautilus are you most excited about?
    Goofy questions: 
        - fav color
        - spirit animal
        - fav food
        - where are you from and where are you based now

Note: consider adding 1 - 2profiles to the annual report as a side bar

@Cassandra's project to consolidate photos from different community events and conferences so that we can use them in Engagement team initiatives and publications. 

  • Do you have any photos that you have recently taken and would like to contribute? 
  • You can share them on Flickr with the tag #PhotosOfGnome. You can also send them to us at photosofgnome gmail com with a note saying that we can use the photos, and any restrictions we need to follow. 

  • Email before Release Day
  • Hey ___,
  • My name is Cassandra and I'm new to the engagement team this year. 
  • I've been told that you usually organize a release day event, and I was writing see if you could please take photos, and then submit them to the engagement team. We have a number of initiatives, like the Annual Report, in which we would love to showcase photos of the community getting together and having fun. 
  • You can send any photos you take via email to photosofgnome gmail com and add a note letting us know that it's ok to use these. We'd love to use it either under "CC-BY-SA [your name]" or "courtesty of [your name]", but there are other licensing options you can learn about here:
  • Thanks!

  • Email after
  • Hi __[name__,
  • I'm writing to remind you to please submit any photos you took at the release party to photosofgnome gmail com with a note that they are "CC-BY-SA [Your Name]" license. 
  • We would love to include them in engagement team inititatives and community publications. If you have any questions or special requests for using your photos, let us know.
  • Thanks!

  • People to ask for photos
  • Julita (facebook)
  • Garret LeSage (google+)

  • @cassandra create a wiki page for how to submit photos with this content:

We should consider starting an Engagement Team blog so that we can add things like GNOME member spotlights. We should consider posting 1 - 2 times a month.
Possibilty of Creating an Engagement Team blog
@Zana Create bugzilla request

Other Resources: 


Nuritzi Sanchez  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless 

Attachment: Social Media Hackathon.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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