Hi Everyone,
We hope you'll join the next meeting, on Friday March 11th, 2016 @ 17:00 UTC, on #engagement.
Thanks, and have a great weekend!
- Nuritzi
- Zana
- Allan
- Adelia
- Cassandra
FSFE Postcards
- Thank you's for the FSFE postcards (zana)
- - @Zana will take a photo of the postcards and @Allan will tweet a thank you
German Conferences
- Follow up with the german conference (muelli) pending: send emailblast to the foundation list
- - @Nuritzi will find his email address
- - @Zana will send an email if there is no response by Wednesday (March 9th)
Social media hackathon on March 5th in SF (NuritziS) - Joining: Adelia, Nuritzi, Zana, Cassandra, Oliver, Sri
- Social media plan for Friends of GNOME (preprepared messages?)
- Other events: GUADEC, GNOME Asia, Release, Election for board of directors, Hackfests pop up
- @Allan will add logo for Friends of GNOME to the request list for designer
- Need to make a list of items to add to the request list for designer
Annual Report
- Not ramping up yet
- @Adelia & @Zana have design ideas and will talk to @Jeff about these
- Need to make sure text for articles is stored on the Wiki, need to maintain and manage this suggestion by @gonyere
Friends of GNOME Redesign
- Will review text when website is ready but not live
- GnuCash (accounting software) vs. PayPal
- Will hold a video conference meeting to discuss further
- - Need to send out a note asking to make sure PayPal address is up to date (for gifts)
- - Once there is a better infrastructure for collecting data: send personal emails for every 1 yr, 2yr, 5 yr etc. milestone of donations @Zana and @Allan to propose to the Board
- - @cassandra to get photos for Friends of GNOME (tied into getting photos in general)
- - Move computer that handles this onto GNOME infrastructure, off of Toby's personal computer
- - Need to respond to donors, make sure they aren't taken for granted
- - Need to draft templates so that they can be sent out to the private mailing list
- - @GNOMESF will discuss this during Social Media Hackathon on March 4th
- @Nurizi wants to recruit more people, especially a designer
Release 3.20
- Try out GNOME at release party and see the new features
- If technical people come, have them install the updates for people that attend
- How to distribute work? Divide up the features OR fill it in with notes to gradually evolve into full text
- Release notes are written in XML and stored in GitHub - reason is that it's translated