Re: Rethinking our release press releases

Allan Day <aday gnome org> wrote:

My personal feeling is that we should frame this discussion around the
question: what do we want to provide journalists with?

I think this is the singlemost important thing to consider. If journalists aren't using the press release, then it doesn't make sense to spend time and energy on one. Maybe we only create a press release for major releases. 

 Currently we provide:

 * Written summary of the main features
 * Release video
 * Release notes
 * Screenshots pack
 * Quotes from project members
 * Quotes from third party individuals

I'd love for us to talk to a few tech journalists and get their opinon. I know that Allan is already reaching out to Nate about this. We should forward this email to any other tech writers we know about. 

Thanks for sending this out, Allan and Sri! I think it's great for us to constantly evaluate how to best use our time and effort, and to make sure that what we create keeps improving. 

Nuritzi Sanchez  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless 

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