Re: 3.16 Release Promotion

On 03/01/2015 01:26 PM, Christian Hergert wrote:
On 03/01/2015 01:05 PM, Oliver Propst wrote:
Was also thinking about 3.16 live images, should we approach someone
in the release-team to ensure that we have one available on release

Since these images are basically meant to be run on VMs, I think it
would be nice if we had one based on GNOME continuous. Besides, it's
what is actually getting looked at for build failures every day.
Probably the most likely to be "our best foot forward".

I'm sure it will require a bit of work so that it is painless for people
to consume it from KVM/VMware/VirtualBox/Boxes/Parallels/etc.

I'd also like to add that these images are invaluable for outreach.
Yesterday I had about 5 people at the outreach event download a GNOME
3.14 image from the "Get GNOME" link on our website. They were all
immediately confused by the choice of three distros when all they wanted
to do was try GNOME.

I just want to add, that I'm not suggesting we don't have links to
distributions that support GNOME.

I just think we might benefit from separating the idea of "trying gnome
out in a virtual machine" from the ability to install on physical
hardware. My guess (and it would be nice to test this) is that those
trying GNOME from our website are far more interested in trying it in a
VM than installing a full fledged distro.

-- Christian

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