Re: Promoting for hosting apps/libraries

On Wed, Jun 03, 2015 at 06:35:38PM +0100, Magdalen Berns wrote:
So, by promoting the project hosting platform, you'll get more
_experienced_ developers that can more easily contribute to other GNOME
modules and become core GNOME developers.

I reckon the main thing to be weary of would be figuring out a reliable way
to predict the amount of abandoned projects GNOME could end up hosting. At
the moment, we already have a few too many abandoned projects, but I think
this problem could be reduced if we include clear instructions on how to
take over maintainership of an abandoned module somewhere (obvious) on the

Only active projects are accepted. Some of them will become
unmaintained, that's a fact of life.

Are you thinking of any specific projects? If so, it would be useful to

I just have GtkSpell in mind, a small library to add spell checking,
currently hosted on SourceForge. I already tried to convince the
maintainer some years ago to move to, but failed. But now it's
a new maintainer.

But instead of contacting potential projects, I'm more thinking about
talking about it on planet gnome or having the information easily
accessible on the wiki.

It's an interesting idea. I'd like to get a better sense of what lead you
to arrive at it: Could you elaborate a bit on how moving LaTeXila
benefitted GNOME (and vice versa)?

It benefited GNOME in the sense that I contribute and maintain other
GNOME modules now (GtkSourceView, gedit, …). And I was more inclined to
contribute since I was already on the platform.

At the beginning when latexila was hosted on, I didn't feel
that I was a member of the GNOME community. But by reading the planet
GNOME, by subscribing to some mailing lists, by being listed in the
weekly statistics written by Frédéric Péters, etc I felt more and more
part of GNOME. I then did a GSoC, etc.


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