Re: Promoting for hosting apps/libraries

Hi Sébastien,

So, by promoting the project hosting platform, you'll get more
_experienced_ developers that can more easily contribute to other GNOME
modules and become core GNOME developers.
I reckon the main thing to be weary of would be figuring out a reliable way to predict the amount of abandoned projects GNOME could end up hosting. At the moment, we already have a few too many abandoned projects, but I think this problem could be reduced if we include clear instructions on how to take over maintainership of an abandoned module somewhere (obvious) on the wiki.
Of course it's important to not accept every random project, as it is
explained in the wiki. But I think some projects would benefit from
being hosted on
Are you thinking of any specific projects? If so, it would be useful to know.

What do you think?

It's an interesting idea. I'd like to get a better sense of what lead you to arrive at it: Could you elaborate a bit on how moving LaTeXila benefitted GNOME (and vice versa)?


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