Promoting for hosting apps/libraries


I got involved in GNOME (indirectly) thanks to this blog series:
"Why Rocks"

At that time I was developing a GTK+ application (LaTeXila), hosted
partly on GitHub and partly on SourceForge. Handling translator
contributions was painful, some sent me mails with a .po file attached,
others did pull requests on github, others sent me patches, etc. So was really attractive to me, mainly for the translations

So I've made the request to host LaTeXila on, and it got
accepted. One year later I started to contribute to other GNOME modules,
and since I already had a GNOME git account and was familiar with the
GNOME hosting platform etc, it was much easier for me to start
contributing (and I had already several years of experience with GTK+).

So, by promoting the project hosting platform, you'll get more
_experienced_ developers that can more easily contribute to other GNOME
modules and become core GNOME developers.

Of course it's important to not accept every random project, as it is
explained in the wiki. But I think some projects would benefit from
being hosted on

What do you think?


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