Re: Problems about Apps/Template and Projects/Template

On 12/04/2015 12:54 PM, Alexandre Franke wrote:
That seems to be a widespread opinion. Can we put words on what it is
we dislike that much about MoinMoin? That would probably help finding
an alternative.

Something that doesn't require looking up the syntax for absolutely
everything an editor typically wants to do. I can't be the only one
having this problem?

I'd probably be fine with something markdown too, but I'd argue
"something maintained" trumps "markdown". The value of markdown is how
many people are familiar with it (or at least github-flavored).

Mediawiki is an awesome engine… if you're building an encyclopedia.
For anything else, it's not really that great.

Before we think about switching to anything, maybe we should take some
time to formalize what we're looking for?

In the proper hands, I've seen some incredibly beautiful wiki/project
pages done by people in our community using mediawiki. The Hula project
comes to mind (and lots of other SUSE/Ximian project pages over the years).

-- Christian

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