GUADEC Promotion

Hi all,

GUADEC begins in a month, so it is high time that we thought about
promotional activities for the event. The main goal here is to
generate interest in the conference and in GNOME in general, and to
any circulate positive stories that we can.

We need to have material to post in the run up to the conference. Here
we can announce things like the schedule going live, or registration
opening, but we should also generate content of our own. Interviews
with keynote speakers or conference organisers have been done in the
past. It would be great if anyone wanted to do something like this.

The other thing to consider is what we will do during the conference.
Last year we collaborated on news posts which summarised
each day, and posted photo galleries along with them. I'd really like
to do something like that this year. Again, volunteers would be

Does anyone else have ideas?


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