Re: Community interviews

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com> wrote:
Hi, everybody sorry for running from the meeting today.

I spoke to Allan at FOSDEM about doing a series of interviews with community
members as a way of letting people get know us better and our thoughts about
the current sate of GNOME, thus maybe decease the barrier for new new
contributors as well as a statement that we are passionate about the

This seems like a lot like the video interviews that Tiffany did at
GUADEC.  I don't really want to lose that work either.. can we find
some way to use both?


I had the following questions in mind:

Can you introduce yourself ?
How did you got involved the GNOME community?
What excite you about the GNOME project ?
How would you describe the current state of GNOME?
What are biggest challenges GNOME are facing in your opinion?
If you try to be more specific what do you think is the most challenging
thing you find as a
GNOME contributer, what do you think keeps more people from contributing?
In recent times the question of GNOME's roll in the greater free software
have been heavily discussed, what are your take about the situation, what
role do you think GNOME should play in the greater free software ecosystem?
If you could chose one specific area in which the GNOME project could
improve what
would that be?
Can you tell one thing about yourslelf that that most people don't know
about you?

Diego have done a fantastic proposal for the annual report [1]. He suggested
that the report should be largely focused on the people in the community, in
that context I see a interview serie as a perfect fit. I will elaborate
further with Diego and rest of the annual report team about this.

What do you other thinks of the questions, do they work as starting point?


-mvh Oliver Propst

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