Re: Pre-release marketing and community management [Was: getting]


Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
Yes, if you're defining "developers" as maintainers of core modules. 
Unfortunately, people will go into deskop-devel because there is no
community mailing list that they can go to.  So they will participate in
the forum that they believe has the audience they seek.  Unless you
close DDL of course.

It is not the job of the mailing lists to provide an expert audience to
non-experts who want to complain to them.

If we need to moderate d-d-l to reclaim it for Real Work, then so be it.

How about creating a forum or something and keep such people out of the
regular mailing lists instead? could use more visibility & some official
community buy-in. A more active "Development" forum would be useful.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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