Friends of GNOME session notes

Friends of GNOME

Stormy opened the session by giving an overview of the target: users who feel that they would like to contribute but don't know how because they aren't technical.


Someone asked if there were any demographics about donors from the past year. Stormy replied that the data is there--based on country--but someone would need to compile the data.

There was a discussion about getting academic communications departments involved in this and other marketing departments. Everyone loved this idea but it was decided that we're too close to the end of the year (the target for this campaign) to specifically try to involve an academic project.

The floor was opened to a discussion of rewards for contribution in addition to a T-Shirt: foam GNOME foot trinkets, stickers, a membership card.

We discussed implementing referral tracking by integrating our PayPal data with our CiviCRM installation. The action items out of this discussion were


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