Re: What is GNOME?

On Tue, 2009-09-08 at 11:24 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
I met with Denise last week and she pointed out:
      * It's very hard to tell what GNOME is from our web pages. If
        you don't know when you land on, you aren't likely
        to figure it out. An "easy to understand desktop" doesn't
        really mean anything to non desktop/OS developers. When you go
        to About GNOME, you get a list of our values/features but not
        a definition, screenshot or list of projects.
      * It's very hard to find a list of projects in GNOME.
      * No where do we say what GNOME stands for.
      * No where do we say why we have a foot print as a logo.
        (There's mention of how it came about in a history here,, but no
        mention of why we/they/he thought the foot was
Our current web pages are pretty much for people that already know
what GNOME is, but we might want to rethink that as we roll out the
new webpage.

I think it's a marketing problem. Thoughts?

Aren't these points addressed by the new website content already?
murrayc murrayc com

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