Re: What is GNOME?

Thanks for your answer. Also to Paul and Dave!

I also appreciate that Denise dedicated her time to make a difference.
I'd usually love to hear her opinion!

But one feedback doesn't make data. After all, the points she mentions
are either well-known or irrelevant. Related issues -- like the target
audience question -- have been discussed here for years!

Over and over, again.

Another opinion (and discussion) isn't going to change anything.

For every mail that was written in this thread, its author could have
picked one content page in the wiki and read it. And correct an error.
Or improve a formulation. Or fix just one TODO.

Everyone could start with it today. That would change something. :-)

Best regards,

On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 08:33 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Claus Schwarm
<clschwarm googlemail com> wrote:
        Just because one can point out some objections, doesn't mean
        it's worth
        It's not easy to find a list of projects? What about visiting
        homepage and -- watch out, this is going to be complicated: --
        the link called "projects"?

Maybe I didn't express this one well. And actually, your point makes
it clear to me I've not been thinking about it the the right way.

It's not clear that GNOME is a bunch of projects. We don't say "GNOME
is a group of projects that make an easy to use, free and accessible
for all desktop." We say GNOME is a desktop.

I'd say most people that use GNOME are unaware that it also includes a
lot of projects.
        Also, in all these years I'm reading online discussions about
        GNOME, I
        never ever noticed someone who asked: "Does anyone know why
        GNOME's logo
        is a foot print?"
        Is this really important stuff we should could care about?

I don't know. It's feedback. From somebody who was really curious
about what GNOME is and was having trouble figuring it out.

Personally, I think logos are just logos and it doesn't really matter
after a while. But for someone trying to figure out what GNOME is,
perhaps it's confusing. It's always valid to say "we heard your
feedback and we decided not to do anything."

        The new version of the homepage content is in the wiki for
        months now.
        Did anyone tried to help fill the missing bits? Or proof-read?

Sorry, I've been meaning to help with the edits. 

        I've wasted countless hours to move the content from common
        HTML pages
        to the wiki so that people can participate -- just to learn
        that one
        doesn't get "the flow" now and the rest silently ignores every
        call for

I didn't get that people were complaining about the new website. I
think the conversation actually transitioned into a "who do we target"
which is a very good marketing question to answer. 

        At least, someone could have had the idea to check whether
        non-issues apply in the current 'development' version.

I'll take that as a constructive suggestion and check it out. 

Someone not being able to figure out what GNOME is, is not a non issue
unless we decide we aren't targeting that type of user. And we said on
this list that we are targeting newbies. 

Also, I get a *lot* of questions and random, very random, feedback.
I'm trying to pass on the feedback to places it makes sense. And
screen those that wouldn't be useful. Some I answer, some I delete,
some I pass on to the board, some to marketing, some to mobile. In
this case I was trying to pass on feedback to marketing.


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